
Friday, April 13, 2018

KALLS Time Travel Slideshow

Time Travel KALLS

This week in Maths, we have been learning about Time Travel. We (The KALLS which is the mixed names of us, K stands for Kristian, A-Angie, L-Lily H, L-Logan JK, and S for Shreya) have been busy doing a slideshow about Time Travel. I found it out easy doing some maths like adding and meausring. And I found it out hard when I was trying to find some pictures.

How I feel about the fallen soldiers

My feelings about the fallen soldiers

Do you feel the same?

Every ANZAC day is a Memorial Day for the brave and fallen soldiers like; George Wallace Bollinger who died for the country that didn’t trust him, and Athol Hudson who got killed in action, and Daisy Platts-Mills who gave up private practice to become the first woman medical officer of the Public Service Commission. They died for their country. We should always remember them. I have mixed range of emotions. One is sad, because they died for us. Then, angry, because they got killed. Next is, proud because they gave up their lives just for our safety. Without them, we shouldn’t be here. So we should be thankful to them.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Every badges' story

Every badges' story

This week in Literacy, we have been learning about ANZAC Day. We had to get some things like maps, pictures of the soldiers that fought on the World War 1 and badges and we have to make a slideshow about it. We (Reuben, Riansha, and I) wrote about the three badges that came from the brave soldiers. I found it out hard when we were trying to find some answers to the unsolved problems. I found it out easy when we have to pick a picture. It was kind of hard, but I was proud because what I was doing is for the brave fallen soldiers and it was for ANZAC day!

By: Angie

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

We should Ban Plastic Bags!

Would you ever eat plastic? I know you don’t. Did you know that plastic
bags are made of PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) which is toxic? Plastics are
materials that are malleable and can be molded into solid objects like
Plastic Bottles and Plastic Bags.

It takes over 200-1000 years for the plastic bags to decompose. Also,
plastics can’t break apart because they are made of high-density
polyethylene (HDPE).

Animals are in danger too! Aquatic animals can swallow plastic and they
can die. Some bits of plastics can be sharp and it may touch the marine
animals and they’ll get injured.

A lot of energy is used in making plastics. They use non-renewable
resources. Experts in U.S.A explained that petroleum used in making
plastic bags in America would power 1.3 million cars.

Here are some facts about what plastic is causing us:
90% of bottles are not even recycled.
Over 8 million plastics are in our oceans.
Every minute takes 1 million plastics littered in the whole world.
Any plastic is brought to the Pacific Garbage Patch.
Over 100 million marine animals are killed each year due to plastic pieces in the

We can help reduce plastic by;
- Use a metal bottle instead of a plastic bottle.
- Reuse your plastic bottles instead of throwing them to the bin.
- Say “No straw please” in cafes, KFC, etc. because straws in places cafes and
restaurants, are made of plastic too.
- Use a metal straw instead so you can still wash it and we can reduce plastic.
- Bring fabric bags instead of plastic bags when you’re going shopping.

Plastic bags are harmful, not just to us, but the animals and our environment.
I strongly insist to ban plastic bags!