
Friday, September 28, 2018

Posting a Quality Blog Comment

Over the past few weeks for Cybersmart, we have been creating to teach other how to write a Quality Blog Comment. A quality blog comment must have: Positive, thoughtful, helpful sentences. I found it hard making the robot using only shapes. I found it easy doing the sentences. This is what I made only using shapes:


True or False

Today for Maths Statistics, Mrs. McGuinniety made a slideshow named "True or False" and we needed to answer the statements, if it's true or not, and we also needed to make statements.


Thursday, September 27, 2018

A Walk In The Park

"We shouldn’t have went here…"

It was the Night of the Friday the 13th, at 1:00AM, when me and my friend decided to go for a little walk in the Abandoned Park just a few metres away from my house. We got all our stuff in our bag; flashlight, phone, snacks, drinks, earphones, etc.

First, we took out our phone and started filming. While we were filming, we saw a terrifying tree, we thought we saw something hanging up the tree, but when we checked what it was, there was nothing. “Can we go home now?!” I said, scared.
We saw a different path, “Let’s go that way!” my friend said without hesitating and without being fearful. We saw a sign which we thought was the name of the park, but we couldn’t read what it was.

Although we were frightened, we still continued following the path. Next, there’s this GIGANTIC, and creepy tree, which also kind of looked like the other one, but this one is more enormous. Since I can tell that my friend’s fear is taking over her braveness, we decided to go home.

2:07 AM; As we were on our way home, we saw this strange-looking, and mysterious thing in the sky that was actually shaped like a U.F.O. We thought it was a plane before, but when we took a little closer look, that’s when we found out it was shaped like a U.F.O. But what could it actually be? Is it a real U.F.O? We might find out, or we might not...

2:54 AM; The moon rised higher, and brighter, as we walk home. After observing the moon dazzling, when we looked away, and looked for the U.F.O, it wasn’t there anymore. There was silence… Until I heard a cry. It sounded like a little girl’s voice. “Did you hear that?” I whispered. “Yeah, it’s creepy.” my friend replied.

3:14 AM; On the way, we walked past a playground, and realized that the swing was swinging by itself. As we continued to roam, we also saw the see-saws going up and down by itself, and that’s when we thought that we needed to get out of the playground because it was also haunted.

3:33 AM; That was the final time that we actually decided to go home and get some rest. So we ran on the way back, following the path that we walked to on the way here. It was dark so we had to take both of our flashlights to light the way, because we might bump into something that we can’t see.

4:29 AM; Finally, we got home. We took a glass of water and drank it, next, I laid on the couch, and my friend went home. “It’s alright, maybe you were just seeing things.” I muttered. BUT! But when I remembered that we were filming the whole time, I decided to take a look at the footage and see if we were actually seeing things or not.

So I took my phone out, and reviewed the footage, and I absolutely knew that I was right, and we weren’t just seeing things…

By: Angie

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Science Change

For this term for Science, we have been doing experiments and hypothesis. We
also have been writing and taking notes of what we do like for the Elephant
Toothpaste, the Vinegar+Baking Soda experiment. We had to write the
reactions of the experiments. We also have learnt what reactant/s, substance,
product, and Chemical Reaction means.

Substance: Is the materials you need to make a product.

Product: Is the thing that you made with the substance and reactants.

Reactant/s: Two reactants can make a product

Chemical Reactions: The reaction that the chemicals (substances) makes.

Example: Ice melting to water. If a physical change occurs, the physical
properties of a substance will change.

Thursday, September 20, 2018


Today for Science, we did an experiment and we had to make a hypothesis (guess) what will happen if you put 1/3 part of vinegar in a bottle, and put 2 tablespoons of baking soda, then cover it up quickly with a cork. And this is my answer.

What do you think will happen?

It will foam up and will fizz. Then the cork will fly away.

What do you think these will be?
Vinegar, Baking Soda, bottle
Turns to gas (carbon dioxide)
Chemical Reaction
It’s going to form foam and will fizz, and the cork will fly away.

Was your hypothesis right/ wrong? Why?

Yes because the cork popped when the foam reached it.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Calendar Art

For calendar art this week, we have learnt to blend colours with paint. I really enjoyed painting but I found it difficult to blend the colours in because you had to use the right paint colours. First we sketch an outline. Then, we started at the top and worked down.  I made a sunset one.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Maori Weather

For the past weeks in Inquiry, we have been doing a Slideshow about Maori sentences about Weather.   

Monday, September 3, 2018

"Because Of Walter"

For the past weeks, we have been doing 'Novel Studies' and have been reading a book named "Because Of Walter". It was written by Carol Krueger and was Illustrated by Mary Dahl Winton.

The story was about a girl named Kaysha who has been in different foster homes because her mother was too young, and she couldn't take care of Kaysha. Once, she got to the Parkers Family, Victoria, the Parkers' daughter, didn't want to share her parents to anyone. So she puts Kaysha into trouble by pretending that Kaysha stole her money, and Kaysha stole Mrs. Parker's necklace. But Shakespeare, the Parkers' dog, found the necklace burried under the tree. Then, many whales and Walter, an old male whale that Victoria and Kaysha helped, made Kaysha convince the Parkers' to adopt her, and Victoria and her were friends after helping Walter and the other whales get back to their natural habitats. At the end, the Parkers' have decided that they would legally adopt Kaysha.

We have been writing notes and activities like what Kaysha would be doing in the future. We also have been looking at the Author's background. We also have been doing notes if we would recommend the book. I actually would recommend this book, because it tells us many lessons, and because the characters' roles can be relatable, like Victoria's, it can be relatable for the people that used to be or is actually an only child. Kaysha's role can also inspire other people to do nice things that you need to do, even when no one is watching. The story also teaches us to be contented on what you do and what you have. We also have been making Y charts for Kaysha and Victoria

Myths & Legends Slideshow

In Inquiry, we have been learning about Myths & Legends. We made a slideshow about a Native American myth which is Lightning and Thunder. I've been working with Shreya and Merika.