
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Christmas Would You Rather?

Christmas Would You Rather...

Be at home on Christmas and get lots of presents?
Go to Disneyland for Christmas but not get any presents?

My Argument: I would rather be at home on Christmas and get lots of presents, because maybe a ticket to Disneyland is one of my presents, and because I would still spend a lot of money for food and souvenirs, and where we have to stay.

Be given $100 for Christmas to buy things to yourself?
Be given $1000 before Christmas to use to buy gifts for other people?

My Argument: I would rather be given $1000 before Christmas, because I could give food to the homeless, because I’m okay if I don’t get anything for Christmas, and two sayings;

-Sharing is caring
-It’s better to give than to receive

What would you rather? And what's your reason?

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Summer Learning Journey Prep 1

1. The name of the Capital is Mexico City
2. The population of the capital city is 8.851 million
3. In January the weather in the capital city is usually sunny
4. The capital city is located in the southern part of the country.
5. The languages most commonly spoken in the capital city is Spanish.


Did you know that Spanish national football team ranked first for the FIFA World rankings for continuous years which is from 2008 to 2013?

And did you know that Spain makes half of the world's olive oil?

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Day 1 - Bonus Activity: In Flanders Fields

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

think that the poem is trying to tell us a message, that we are lucky to live in a safe country, saved by the ones that's already up in the sky. I feel thankful for the heroes that gave up their lives just to save their country. They have been really brave, and fearless, they deserve to be always remembered, and never forgotten. I feel sad for the families that they have left, because I don't know how they lived without their loved ones. But we all know they're all in a better place now.

Day 1 - Activity 2: The right to vote

The fact that women weren't allowed to vote until 2015, in Saudi Arabia is just unfair. I think that women is also like men, they deserve the right to vote, because they have their own opinions, and men may have a different opinion on what or who they think deserves to be in the certain position. Women should be treated just like how we treat men.

Week two: A period of change (Day 1-Activity 1)

Day 1: The Early Years (Late 1800s – 1919)

Activtity 1: St. Joseph's Cathedral

Image result for Barcelona Cathedral

Name of Cathedral: Barcelona Cathedral
Located in: Barcelona, Spain
Was built in: 1882
It took 133 years to build the Cathedral

Monday, December 3, 2018

Summer Learning Journey (Day 5: Bonus Activity)

Day 5: Bonus Activity - #EarnTheFern

These are the four questions that I would ask Bill Kini (One of New Zealand’s gold-medal-winning Commonwealth athlete) would be:

  • At what age did he start doing/training boxing
  • How much time does he spend on each sport
  • Who trained him
  • From who did he get the inspiration on doing boxing and rugby

Summer Learning Journey (Day 5: Activity 2)

Day 5: Activity 2 - The Treaty of Waitangi

These are three fun things that you can do as a visitor in Waitangi;

- You can take a tour along the Waitangi River

- You can also explore the garden the Treaty House, and you can go to a 6km walk that leads to the Haruru Falls.

- You can also have a Hangi

But what I would like to do the most is to go paddling and ride a waka to go and see the Haruru Falls.

Summer Learning Journey - Day 5: Activity 1

Day 5: The dawn of a New Era (Activity 1 - Translating Phrases)


1. Maori: Nau mai ki Aotearoa. - English: Welcome to New Zealand

2. English: ____ is my name. - Maori: Ko ____ toku ingoa.

3. English: What is your name? - Maori: He aha to ingoa?

4. Maori: He pai taku ki te takaro i te whutupaoro. - English: I like to play rugby.

5. English: Where do you come from? - Maori: No hea koe?

Summer Learning Journey (Day 4: Bonus Activity)

Day 4: (Bonus Activity: Musical festivals - Matatini)

I would rank Tamatea Arikinui as first place, because they had danced and sang amazingly, and the way that they move and sing at the same time.

I would rank Te Puku o Te Ika second, because they weren't moving much, but I like how they sang.

I would rank Te iti Kahurangi third, since I didn't even see the video, because it says it's no longer available due to a copyright claim.

Summer Learning Journey (Day 4: Activity 2 - Playing Games)

Day 4 - Activity 2: Playing Games

(i) Name of the game: Ki o Rahi
(ii) Goal and purpose of the game: The aim of the game is to outscore the other team || The purpose of the game is to keep our body healthy and fit.
(iii) Two rules are;
- The players in the certain position has to be moving, or they have 3-5 seconds to pass or throw the ball to their team mate.
- Players can get the ball, even though it's in a different zone, as long as their feet stays on their certain position/zone

Summer Learning Journey (Day 3: Bonus Activity)

Day 3: Bonus Activity:​ Fun Family Facts

My mum (and dad) used to have their own computer shop.
I was supposed to be born when there was a flood in our place, which was on December 30, but luckily I was born on the 13th.
My dad went to New Zealand when I was still little.

Summer Learning Journey (Day 4: Activity 1)

Day 4: Hitting a High Note...

I like the He Honore one, because we've sung it for Mau Rakau, so I'm familiar to it.

Summer Learning Journey (Day 3: Activity 2)

Day 3: (Activity 2: Acknowledging Ancestry)


Ko Mount Mayon te maunga (English: The mountain that I affiliate to is...)

Ko Albay Gulf te awa (English: The river that I affiliate to is...)

Ko ________________________ te waka (English: The waka that I affiliate to is...)

Ko Atis / Aetas tōku tīpuna (English: My founding ancestor is...)

Ko Filipino tōku iwi (English: My tribe is...)

Ko ________________________ tōku hapu (English: My sub-tribe is...)

Ko ________________________ tōku marae (English: My marae is...)

Ko Philippines ahau (English: I am from...)

Ko Mayeth rāua ko Marlu ōku mātua (English: My parents are ... and ...)

Ko Angie  tōku ingoa. (English: My name is ...)

Summer Learning Journey: (Day 3: Activity 1)

Day 3: (Activity 1: It's all in the family)

If I was in a family with nine siblings, and for example, I'm the eldest, I would feel kind of jealous, because I think that my mum would pay more attention to my younger siblings. Also, I would feel exhausted most of the time, because I have to look after my younger siblings, and have to do stuff for them. But at the same time, I think I would enjoy being with the family, because I could do stuff and play with my siblings, the more the merrier.

Summer Learning Journey (Day 2: Bonus Activity)

Day 2: (Bonus Activity: Special Meals)

My favorite food is pepperoni pizza, because I like the crunchiness and the taste of the pepperoni, and I like the thick layer of cheese on top of the dough. I don't really like the crust though.