
Thursday, September 26, 2019

Sky High!

For Topic, we had to do a Fair Test experiment. First we had to plan out what experiment we wanted to do, then decide our variables (the things we will change/vary and measure/observe). Next, we did our hypothesis (what we think will happen). When planning was done, we did our Fair Test. After we've done the experiment, we went back to the google doc where we put all our information in (variables, hypothesis, etc.) and write down the results of the Fair Test.

Me and the people that I worked with for the fair test have all agreed to do the Coke + Mentos experiment, and decided to change: the type of liquid we use, and measure/observe the amount of liquid that's left in every fizzy drink. We used four types of liquid; Coke, Coke Zero, Lemonade, and Passionfruit. We predicted that the Coke Zero would spew the most out, but the Lemonade did, with the least amount of liquid left in the bottle.

I found it hard: Finishing the Science Board right in time
I found it fun: Doing the lettering for the title, and cutting different borders for the information that we wrote.
I found it easy: Doing the planning

Coke Zero Explosion:

Thursday, September 5, 2019

How Do Volcanoes Work?

In reading for week 7, we read a text about how volcanoes work. We had to make an infographic showing what we learnt about different types of Volcanoes. It had to have pictures, diagrams, flowcharts, numbers and words.

We needed to explain the parts of the volcanoes and how it works, so I put a google drawing of it and added labels as well so you'd know which is which. I also added some fun facts about volcanoes, as well as a diagram and a flowchart.

WALT: Think critically when looking at information in different texts.

I found it hard: Searching up facts about volcanoes
I found it easy: Finding pictures to trace explaining the volcanoes' parts
What I need to work on: Explaining what the parts of volcanoes are for