
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

SLJ Day 3: Activity 1 : Environment & Exploration

What is the goal of the organisation?The Water Project organisation wants to achieve their goal which is to help other countries get the clean and safe water they need, and give the children a better life by providing clean water for them to drink, for sanitation, for showering, etc. so that they wouldn't have to walk miles at night just to search for water for them and their families.

Where do they work?
They work in sub-Saharan Africa

What have they achieved?
This organisation has made wells which lead to girls going to school more often because they wouldn't have to walk back and forth for water, and they've also provided resources like shovels - for digging underground water

Monday, December 2, 2019

SLJ - Day 1-Activity 1: Arts & Entertainment

Today for Summer Learning Journey,  we had to choose from a variety of activities that we wanted to do. I chose the one about this famous singer: Lorde who became famous from her first and biggest hit - Royals. We had to make a profile page about this singer which had to include facts about them, their hobbies, etc.


Monday, November 25, 2019

SLJ Practice Activity

My favourite food is pizza, specifically pepperoni pizza - because it's cheesy, and I like my pizza with a lot of pepperoni on it. Also I love the cheese in the crust (I wouldn't eat the crust if it didn't have cheese)

Friday, October 18, 2019

How Do Waterspouts Form?

For Reading for week 1 of Term 4, we read a text about "How Do Waterspouts Form?". We were given reading activities to do on our Literacy books, but we had to make an Infographic - a DLO (that includes pictures, diagrams, symbols, flowcharts, words and numbers) showing what we've read. I've decided to make a slideshow showing all of the information that I have learnt.#

What I enjoyed: Making the flowchart
What I found hard: Tracing the pictures
What I found easy: Typing the information


Thursday, September 26, 2019

Sky High!

For Topic, we had to do a Fair Test experiment. First we had to plan out what experiment we wanted to do, then decide our variables (the things we will change/vary and measure/observe). Next, we did our hypothesis (what we think will happen). When planning was done, we did our Fair Test. After we've done the experiment, we went back to the google doc where we put all our information in (variables, hypothesis, etc.) and write down the results of the Fair Test.

Me and the people that I worked with for the fair test have all agreed to do the Coke + Mentos experiment, and decided to change: the type of liquid we use, and measure/observe the amount of liquid that's left in every fizzy drink. We used four types of liquid; Coke, Coke Zero, Lemonade, and Passionfruit. We predicted that the Coke Zero would spew the most out, but the Lemonade did, with the least amount of liquid left in the bottle.

I found it hard: Finishing the Science Board right in time
I found it fun: Doing the lettering for the title, and cutting different borders for the information that we wrote.
I found it easy: Doing the planning

Coke Zero Explosion:

Thursday, September 5, 2019

How Do Volcanoes Work?

In reading for week 7, we read a text about how volcanoes work. We had to make an infographic showing what we learnt about different types of Volcanoes. It had to have pictures, diagrams, flowcharts, numbers and words.

We needed to explain the parts of the volcanoes and how it works, so I put a google drawing of it and added labels as well so you'd know which is which. I also added some fun facts about volcanoes, as well as a diagram and a flowchart.

WALT: Think critically when looking at information in different texts.

I found it hard: Searching up facts about volcanoes
I found it easy: Finding pictures to trace explaining the volcanoes' parts
What I need to work on: Explaining what the parts of volcanoes are for

Friday, August 23, 2019

Persuasive Writing

For writing this week, we had to write a Persuasive piece of writing. Our teacher showed us a gallery that we can choose the topic from (we didn't have to pic our topic from the gallery - we can think of our own). I chose to write about Rhinos being extinct/endangered.

What does it mean to persuade someone? Persuade means convince, if we want to persuade someone, we're convincing them to do something.

- I can write a shorter persuasive post by making a claim and backing it up with reasons
- I can plan for a longer persuasive post by identifying the topic, audience and genre
- I can research my topic by asking a question, researching for sources, identifying information and paraphrasing the facts.

What I did good on: Finding facts to support my piece of writing.
What I need to work on: Linking paragraphs from one to another.

Why are rhinos endangered? We need to stop killing animals. Have you ever thought of what would happen when one day, these animals would just disappear? If you haven’t, think about it.

For over 60 years, we humans managed to wipe out 60% of the living creatures in our only planet. One big problem is rhinos. Hunting and poaching rhinos isn’t a new problem since it’s been going on for centuries.

Rhinos are being poached for their horns since it consists of Keratin - which is something we apply to our hair - and other unnecessary uses. These rhinos' horns take 3 years to shift back to its usual form. However, if the skull was cut along with the horn, it will never grow back. These horns are important for these rhinos, they need it for daily use - such as digging for water and breaking branches.

Also one of the main reasons why rhinos are extinct/endangered is habitat loss. We've been destroying other animals’ homes - oh and again, our planet. Without these rhinos, the animals living in the savanna would find it hard to do other things - because these rhinos clear out the paths that other creatures walk on, dig holes for water, and helps plants with their progress on growing up.

Did you know that Sumatran rhinos are the most endangered out of its species, and there’s only 80 left in the world? Exactly, we only have 12 years to save our one and only planet. We should take action before it’s too late! WWF (World Wide Fund) has been helping increase these rhinos’ population, and protect their habitats, and we can help them save these rhinos - every dollar you donate will help WWF prevent rhinos from becoming extinct.

Would you still be poaching rhinos for their horns just for Keratin to make your hair shinier? Less Keratin, more rhinos.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Descriptive Writing and Linking Paragraphs

For the past two weeks of Term 3 for writing, we have been working on using our five senses and linking paragraphs. We had to write what we think the man in the picture can see, hear, feel, taste and smell, and write it in our perspective (I chose to write in third person view). But before we began writing, we went through a slideshow telling us how to write a proper paragraph.

I found it hard: Linking the last sentence from the first paragraph to the next one.
I found it easy: Finding adjectives (describing words)
I found it fun: Brainstorming the ideas for what we see, hear, feel, smell, and taste

-Use paragraphs to link similar ideas together
-Write in structured, well developed paragraphs that flow well from one to the next within the text
-Use linking words and phrases to link paragraphs for effect

Screen Shot 2017-06-07 at 8.55.13 AM.png

He feebly stumbles to the cold wooden floor, on every attempt of getting up, he fails, his legs were too weak and couldn’t carry him, despite how skinny he looks. As every thunder passes by, his scars would appear, additionally revealing his skin covered in blood, what was covering it was his old, stained clothes, it looked like it hasn’t been washed in ages. He wondered what he would have to do to get this over with, but nothing, his mind was full of negative thoughts rather than thinking about how he would go on. As the rain falls, I could see the littlest light smoothly touch his skin, as the rain gently patted the window panes.
As the raindrops drip, he thought to himself, what would his family be doing right now? The kids would be outside, he remembered what he and his youngsters would do on a rainy day while leaves are fluttering across them. He imagined himself with his daughter and her older brother, holding hands in a circle, dancing and singing joyfully in the rain. His wife would be cooking dinner. He asked himself, "How did it all go downhill?"

Friday, July 26, 2019

Boring Street

This week for reading, we had to do an activity digitally from the story that we read called "Boring Street". I chose to do the first activity which was the one that we had to draw what we think the boys in the story looked like, then we had to write every information that we find about these boys.

I found it fun: Making the characters
I found it easy: Finding information from the story about the boys

Friday, June 14, 2019


From the past few weeks, we learnt about Dumbo. The story 'Dumbo' is about a baby elephant called Dumbo (even though he's supposed to be called Jumbo Jr. or Baby Jumbo) that was separated from his mum, as Mrs. Jumbo (Dumbo's mum) attacked the people in the circus. However, Mrs. Jumbo was just trying to protect Dumbo from the people that were being mean to him and calling him names, that's why she ended up hurting the troupe members. Dumbo tried his best to get her back, with Milly and Joe's help. The two kids soon then found out that Dumbo can fly with his large ears, he got inspired to do this when Milly and Joe gave him a feather, he sniffed it, sneezed, and next thing the kids knew, Dumbo was flying. Medici and the other people of the troupe decided to include Dumbo in their next show, (they didn't know that Dumbo can fly that time) his role was to put out the fire that was set in certain places, but things went wrong. The platform went up in the air while Dumbo was on it, and the troupe couldn't put him back down. Gladly, Milly was on the rescue, she gave Dumbo a feather as she remembered Dumbo could fly just by sniffing a feather. Her idea was excellent, Baby Jumbo finally flew with his ears, the crowd was amazed. I think Dumbo will soon try to find his mum.

I enjoyed: Making the characters' names
What I would like to do differently: Put more details on what the animals in the circus can do to entertain the audience.
What I found interesting: Making the characters by tracing them

Friday, June 7, 2019

The Perfect Gift

For reading from the past few weeks, we have been doing a slideshow about our reading activities. We had to choose five activities out of the ten of them. The title of the story that we needed to do two weeks ago was "The Perfect Gift". It was about a man who worked from home, and a stray cat that found the right house that she needed because winter was there. But when the the cat had to move houses as spring was approaching, she tried her best to find the perfect gift for the man as the cat wanted to thank him for taking care of her, so she somehow came up with a brilliant idea on what to give the man instead of giving him fancy things that he didn't need to use because he was already rich.

What I found hard: Doing the 'Seeing Both Sides' activity
I found it easy: Getting all the facts of the characters in the story
I found it fun: Making the Pictures

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Ascension of Jesus

For R.E we have been learning about Jesus's Ascension. The disciples didn't believe Jesus when he said he was the Chosen One, but when he rose up to heaven and returned back on the third day, the disciples started praising him and they believed him. The hotel represents when Jesus went home to prepare, then the dove and the fire represents the holy spirit, the white candle and the holy water represents when Jesus told his disciples to spread the word, Jesus on a cloud represents him going back to heaven, and the cycle repeats on and on.

I found it hard (and fun) making the pictures
I found it easy thinking about how to describe the drawings that I made

Friday, May 17, 2019

Pink Shirt Day

"Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying."17th of May is Pink Shirt Day. If you don't know what Pink Shirt Day is for, it was when two students stood up for this boy that was getting homophobic bullied and harassed for wearing pink. We celebrate it by wearing pink on this particular date to show 'anti-bullying'.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Mother's Day Character Description

This week, we had to make a character description for the significant female in our life, I chose to wrote about my mum. I found it hard using the 'show not tell' in our paragraphs. I found it easy sorting the sentences into the right paragraphs, and I found it fun using Tagalog words for some sentences instead of English.

  • Write a Character description
  • Use ‘show not tell’ in our writing

My mother has dark brown eyes that shines like a star, medium-length hair with light brown highlights, a round face, soft angled eyebrows, long eyelashes, button nose, and thin, pink lips. But most of all, she has a great heart that warms everyone’s soul, and she has a smile that brightens up our day.

A mother is your first friend, your best friend, and your forever friend.” She’s my friend starting from the beginning, she was always there for me, especially when my dad was about to give me a ‘palo’ (smack in Tagalog) whenever I did something stupid. She always listens to my problems (and jokes) even though it’s ‘walang kwenta’ (even though ‘it doesn’t make sense’ for her) and to be honest, she doesn’t give the best advices; “Just ignore them” or even sometimes, she’d say “You’ll be fine” - but at least she tries to comfort us.

Sometimes the way my mum acts affects how we act. If she’s grumpy (like when she is when she gets back from work), to be honest we turn grumpy too. But as long as she’s happy, we’re delighted. If she tells us to do something in a grumpy voice, we act grumpily, and she would ask us in a bad-tempered tone “Why are you grumpy? I’m supposed to be the grumpy one here because of how you two behave!” Well yes, sometimes it is our fault why she’s grumpy (When we don’t do what we’re told to) so it’s not her to blame.

My mum is very organized, her perfumes are in a shelf, as well as her stuff that she puts on her face (facial creams, facial creams, and more facial creams), because of that, she doesn’t like it when we’re messy. If she sees stuff lying on the floor, expect her to yell at you, and mind you, if you don’t do what she says within a minute she’ll throw your stuff in the laundry (used or not used) or in the bin, and she’d lecture you about leaving your things unattended.

I don’t feel bad at all (Just joking, I do) when she does all the ‘gawaing bahay’ (chores) while my dad, me and my brother are being “helpful” people (not.) “Anak! Can you please help me do this?” says my mum and we reply with “Wait lang Ma!” (Just Wait, mum!) until she gets annoyed with it and she’d warn us that she’s gonna take our gadgets away from us if we don’t get in the ‘kusina’ (kitchen) in a minute.”

Happy Mother’s Day to the woman who carried me physically for 9 months, and for 12 years financially. Without you, I wouldn't have wrote this

- Love, your daughter,

Monday, May 6, 2019

Character Description

- Write a character description
- Use 'show not tell' in our writing

This week we read a book about 'Pig the Star'. We had to write a Character Description about either Pig or Trevor. I found it hard using the 'show not tell'. I found it easy sorting sorting the sentences into the right paragraph. I found it fun making the whole writing.

Pig the Pug - Pig the Pug has a body shaped like a ball causing him to barely move, he as well have big round eyes that’s both looking in different ways, squishy cheeks, and layers of wrinkly skin. He also has a tail that’s curled up and short legs that makes him walk slowly, regards of how large he is.

Pig the pug might not show it physically that he’s a show-off, but once you get to know him, or get to see his true colours, you’ll be annoyed of how much of an attention-seeker he is, he wants all the attention that he could get. Trevor the sausage dog agrees with this statement: “Just ignore him, he just wants attention. The more attention you give, the more he will keep bullying you.”

Because of that, Pig hates it when people try to beat him, or when people get more attention than him. Pig tries to put others down when he notices that somebody’s getting more observation than him. Basically, his mouth is his weapon, it’s all he uses to retaliate, once he spits out words, it’ll hurt others’ feelings. Pig’s reputation is to make others feel unwanted so that they can quit doing what they’re doing, and Pig would steal their spotlight.

Pig is not like other dogs, he’s untidy and his belongings are all over the place. He puts his toys in a pile after he plays with it instead of arranging it from where he got it from. He’d just leave his clothes lying where he took it off instead of putting it in the laundry. After looking for the right outfit/clothes he’s going to wear, he just leaves the unused clothes on the ground. He basically cleans up his room only once a month.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Impact of Conflict in South Sudan

WALT: Recognise the impact of a drought and a famine on families and communities and describe what happened in South Sudan during famine in 2017

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Personal Sin

WALT: Explain what is meant by personal sin

Personal sin is where you decide to turn away from God.

I found it hard, but fun making the pictures, I found it easy making the comment bubbles.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Pig the Pug's Tragic Accident

WALT: To know how to write newspaper reports

Pig the Pug’s Tragic Accident (Is Trevor the Sausage Dog guilty or innocent?)

On the 23rd of March, 2019, Pig the Pug was pronounced injured as he embraced a tragic accident. Trevor, the sausage dog, was involved, but he hasn’t proven guilty or innocent, yet.

Trevor said “That greedy, selfish and self-centered pug wouldn’t share his toys with me. I was bored, I saw him playing with his toys, so I came up to him and asked him if he could share some of his toys with me.” He added. “He said no, and formed a pyramid of toys and stood on top of it. Before I even realize it, he lost his balance and fell off the window.” Could Trevor be lying?

“Trevor pushed me out of jealousness, I was just being defensive to my toys, then he pushed me off the window.” Pig the Pug cried. “NO I DID NOT!” Trevor protested, right after Pig makes him look guilty. “He’s lying! I didn’t push him off the window. It’s really just karma that pushed him, not me!” Trevor said in despite.

Is it really karma? Or does Trevor just don’t want to look guilty?

Friday, March 22, 2019

The Prayer Garden

My favorite place to chill, think, or just have some alone time would be the prayer garden, because sometimes I'd rather be alone than be loud with friends.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Trinity in Action

WALT: To recognise that Te Atua (God) acts as one in the world creating, redeeming, sanctifying.

w7t1 descrptive writing (Delia McCoy)

Delia McCoy - by Angie

It was a misty morning, my family went to town, so that means I’m alone by myself. I get bored easily,
suddenly, something just went into my mind, a story that Aunt Rose told me, it was about the house by
the forest that was abandoned, and it was owned by a malicious old woman, named Delia McCoy who
died ages ago, she was well known for casting spells to her fouls. Some people said she uses voodoo
dolls to get revenge to the people that have most hated her, but I didn’t really believe that.

I decided to go through that forest, and see for myself if the rumours were real. It was a thousand mile
walk! As I enter the house, I could feel that wind touch my skin, as I sniff the dust, it blocked my nose. I
took a step forward, the floor creaked loudly. I finally made my way to this room, which I think was the
room she used to do mean stuff that she wasn’t supposed to do, I saw her old voodoo dolls, a few, short
candles, very sharp needles, an enormous cauldron, transparent potion bottles, and lots more.

I looked through the dirty window and saw the the leaves of the trees dancing, as the wind approaches,
I watched the leaves fall to the ground, it wasn’t a quality view, but something made it worse, I saw a girl
standing outside the house, staring at me. My heart raced like a roller coaster, I was breathless, as I
looked away and caught my breath. I asked myself, “Could this be Delia? What is she doing here? I
thought she was dead?” I asked too many questions, I looked out the window again, she was gone. I
panicked. Before I stepped out of the room, I heard a soft but creepy voice, at that point, I think I knew
who it was, I dashed out of the room like a cheetah.

I rushed downstairs, got out of the house, and immediately closed the door. When I got outside, I was in
a refrigerator, It was so cold that I thought I was about to get frozen alive, I forgot to bring my jacket. I
checked my watch, it was 12:15, nearly afternoon! I had to get back before 1 pm, because that’s when
they get back home. I made my way through the forest, thinking of what I just did. The leaves sounded
like ice breaking as I stepped on it.  For some reason, it felt like someone was following me on the way
back home, but nobody was. “I’m just overthinking.” I said to myself in a low voice.

Finally, I made it home safely, but still reflecting, “What if somebody saw me go to that house and tells
my parents?” I asked myself, I didn’t bother to answer that question though. I changed my clothes and
tried to help myself do things while waiting for my parents, hoping I’ll just forget about going to that house

Nobody knows what happened to Delia McCoy, and who knows if it was her outside the house, at least
I made it home safe, but I won’t forget what happened today, and only YOU shall know about this.